- Jezdziez
- Czterdziesta Doba
- Hymn of All Creation
- Zdrada
- Is Qui Est
Genero: Gothic metal
DESCARGAR: http://rapidshare.com/files/135884553/Illuminandi_-_Tenebras_Meas_Illumina__192_.zip.html
MySpace: www.myspace.com/illuminandi

Estilo: Gothic Metal
Año: 2005
The Beginning - 2005
1.Who Will Set Me Free?
2.The Light
3.. . . So We . . .
4.The Light (sung in Polish)
5.The Cup
6.Who Will Set Me Free?
8.Get On! (Zacchaeus)
9.. . . So We . . .
10.The 40th Day
11.. . . And About the Other . . .
12.. . . And About the Other . . .
13.Don't Be Afraid
14.The Cup
Bonus tracks:
6. the Rider (English version of “Jeździec”)
7. the 40th Day (English version of “Czterdziesta doba”)
8. Zdrada (Polish version of “the Betrayal”)
9. Is Qui Est (English version)
Descargar Bonus
Illuminandi - Demo I y Demo II
Estilo:Gothic MetalDemo I

1....and about the other...
2.Don't Be Afraid
3.The Cup
Demo II

1.Kto mnie wyzw oli...?
2.The Light
3....wiec My...
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